2024-2034 Committee

OxSID is an entirely student-run organisation.

We’re a team of students from across Oxford University. Our committee members are studying everything from Politics to Spanish to Chemistry to Classics, but we’re all united by a passion for international development.

In addition, our College Reps represent OxSID across the University, ensuring we reach and represent a wide range of backgrounds and departments.

Want to get involved in running OxSID? Find out more here.


Shivam Singhal (he/him)
Medicine, Christ Church College

Hi! I’m Shivam and I’m one of your Co-presidents for this year. Having previously been the Secretary, I’m excited to be leading the society alongside Trúc and building an excellent programme for the year! My first discovery of International Development occurred when researching the SDGs at school; realising just how much work there is to be done, I became passionate about the importance of development in action, so am excited to be helping build a community of change-makers at Oxford. My interests lie in social enterprise, sustainable development — especially Water and Sanitation —, as well as Planetary Health. Super excited about all the brilliant things in the works — and hope to see you soon!


Truc Dang (she/her)
Economics and Management, St Catharine’s College

During my time at OxSID, my passion for development economics, governance, and human rights deepened significantly. With this new committee, we aim to ignite a similar enthusiasm among existing and prospective members to explore the diverse facets of international development. Our upcoming events and mentorship programme, featuring leading academics and organisations, are designed to offer insights into the cultural, political, and historical forces shaping our world. Moreover, our expanding network of local charities and non-profits hopes to equip OxSID members with valuable skills to address the pressing challenges of our society. Join us to make a meaningful impact!

Careers and Mentorship Director

Magdey Thompson (she/her)
French and Arabic, Pembroke College

Hi, I’m Madgey, and I’ll be working on careers and mentorship for the next two terms! I’m really excited to be joining the OxSID committee again and look forward to finding even more ways to get students involved with international development at Oxford, regardless of what you’re studying. This term, I’m looking at highlighting the amazing opportunities in this field through careers events, as well as working with another group of brilliant mentors to help provide some personal insight to possibilities within international development!

Outreach Director / Secretary

Magda Schoeneich (she/her)
MSc Education (Digital and Social Change), St Hilda’s College

My interest in international development stems from my diverse life experiences.

Having resided in eleven different countries, I’ve been exposed to stark disparities in access to essential resources, such as healthcare and education. Climbing the corporate ladder within the pharmaceutical sector, where I oversaw global teams, has afforded me a unique perspective on the unequal distribution of these critical assets worldwide. My academic pursuits, notably delving into the ethical dimensions of AI in drug development and technology deployment, have heightened my awareness of the dual role technology plays – both as an opportunity and a driver of exacerbated inequalities.

By joining the society, I aim to enrich the Oxford University community’s comprehension of key international development issues and stimulate elevated discourse and engagement among undergraduate and graduate students and scholars.

Events Co-Director

Yasmine Yared (she/her) PPE, Teddy Hall

My interest in international development lies in the impact of colonialism on development (especially in the Middle East), and how far the legacy of these institutions has shaped current political climates. This term, I’m really looking forward to organising some great events for OxSID this year with amazing speakers!

Events Co-Director

Neil Paliwal (he/him)
History and Economics, St Catherine’s College

International development has always interested me as a window beyond the environment in which I’ve grown up. Engaging with international development allows for rich cultural exchange and an appreciation of our role as global citizens. With OxSID, I hope to construct exciting and novel events with a focus on the intersection of important and interesting global issues. I aim to broaden our scope to demonstrate that international development is a captivating and invaluable field for all, regardless of their interests, background, or expertise.

Marketing Director

Evelyn Homewood (she/her)
History of Art, Christ Church College

I’m interested in how international development strategies can be integrated into a wide range of career paths, but first and foremost I’m drawn to the ways in which we can take initiative in our personal lives to make positive change in the world around us and embrace our role as global citizens. As marketing director, I’m looking forward to sharing with you all the exciting things that the OxSID committee has been working on this term, and hope to see you at some of our upcoming events!

Social Secretary

Sarah Jupp (she/her)
History and Politics, St Anne’s College

I’m interested in how international development aligns with Britain’s role in the world, as well as how the UN can be reformed and made more effective in a globalising world.
I want to run some amazing socials and get even more people involved in the society over the coming term!

Current Affairs Officer

Holly Singleton (she/her)
Geography, Brasenose College

Hi, I’m Holly and I’ll be your Current Affairs Officer! I’ll be sending out accessible summaries of global headlines each week to keep you informed. I’m interested in a range of developmental issues, especially concerning inequalities of all forms. I think it’s so important to understand the ways in which different historic and current factors interact to create the developmental issues we see today. I think understanding this complexity will be key to creating sustainable and effective solutions. Looking forward to seeing you all at OxSID!

College Reps

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boost your CV, and meet experts and influential individuals, as well as students from across the university. 

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